Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Fashion with Shona Harding from Pearls & Scarlett

Summer has finally arrived and at this time of year we are always reminded of re-growth and nature’s way of renewing everything around us. So why not use fashion in the same way, recycle from nature and find new ways to shop ethically. Budget shops are big culprits of offering cheap goods in a constant flow of ever-changing styles but there is a big trend towards fashion with better morals. The business I am in supports this and even the high street giants are starting to realise that customers want fashion with a conscience. So how do we shop safe in the knowledge our fashion is not harming the environment around us?

Look out for eco fashion websites – they are great for sourcing their products direct from the craftsmen that make them, ensuring they receive the bulk of the profit from items sold. is one that offers a great range of clothing, accessories and homewares which fall within the criteria whilst not compromising on quality and look. is also a great site which offers vegan, sustainable, fair trade and recycled fashion.

High Street – although they are generally lacking in nearly every area of ethical fashion some are trying to change the way it sources its suppliers. Next, M&S and Monsoon are to name but a few, but the ranges in store are limited and cost more. They are also starting to use organic cotton more in their products which is always a great step towards a more natural product. It’s also great for babies whose skin reacts badly to chemical interference.

Eco Shopping – there are a great many independents around that use a range of local artisans who produce items from recyclable products. These include drinks cans being made into handbags and newspaper pulp used to make handmade jewellery. This style of fashion is always going to appeal to one section of the fashion market as not everyone wants to buy into these kinds of fashion pieces – but it’s becoming an increasing trend for those who wish to ease their own conscience whilst not compromising on their love of fashion and shopping.

Dress agencies, hiring and charity shops all offer a way of recycling your clothes whilst buying new items to add to your wardrobe.

See you in a couple of months, Shona xx

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