Monday 13 February 2012

YOUR HOROSCOPE for February and March 2012

The Cosmos during February and March

February: Neptune, the planet of mystery and illusion leaves Aquarius on the 4th and “comes home” to its own sign of compassionate Pisces. This will be a 14 year stay and takes us up to 2026. Neptune is the God of the seas, and just like water, can be difficult to pin down. Pisces is also associated with the vastness of the sea and big questions around the world’s water and resources will arise. Neptune also rules spirituality and deep understanding, and during this time we could all find ways to channel our sensitivities to the greater good of all. Spiritual ideas and new forms of healing will affirm their validity and become more a part of everyday life. Venus, the love planet is in amorous Aries on Valentine’s Day, it should be especially passionate and romantic this year!

March: We are heading towards longer and warmer days, and with the spring equinox on Tuesday the 20th and a powerful new moon in Aries on the 22nd there is renewed strength and vitality available for all. Enjoyment and prosperity are also emphasised as benevolent Jupiter and harmonious Venus are both in sensual Taurus. Reconnecting with love, art, music and all things beautiful should be a priority to lift your spirits and help to access your potential. Impatience may cause concern as communicative Mercury marches through Aries, but this will all slow down as the retrograde motion begins on the 12th. It is always wise to look before you leap with Mercury retrograde, and don’t forget to check all communications and travel plans as the trickster always likes a laugh at our expense!

Venus, the Goddess of love and beauty moves into your sign on the 8th. Your passions and desires will now come to the forefront and demand that you take action. Neptune, now in a prominent position, ensures that you begin to direct your attention to more intuitive sources and follow your dreams. March: Your ruler, energetic Mars, is in retrograde motion all month and may bring a halt to certain projects. This may seem like a hindrance, but in truth you probably need to double check your plans. Mid-month brings a spectacular alignment with transformational Pluto and new ideas are revealed.

Neptune illuminates the social area of your chart. With Venus also there until the 8th you might seek new alliances with organisations based on your newfound spiritual interests. Many new people may now enter your life and you’ll see that they will help lead you back to yourself. March: Venus, the goddess of love and your planetary ruler, moves into your sign on the 5th. Are you ready for a new romance, or just some quality time to concentrate on yourself and bring new pleasures into your life? The 14th could bring amorous surprises as Venus aligns positively with Mars.

Neptune reaches the highest point in your chart and you’ll feel like reaching for the stars! Your intention to merge love and beauty into your goals ensures that your faith will be rewarded. After the 14th Mercury enters Pisces and new ways of inspired communication develop. March: The full moon on the 8th illuminates the domestic area of your chart and challenges you to really think about your living arrangements. Mars in productive Virgo continues to fire you up to make positive changes and your endless enthusiasm ensures a successful outcome.

Neptune has arrived at a pivotal position in your chart; you will start to focus on how to expand your influence in the world. Wherever you travel now could begin to feel like home. The new moon in Pisces on the 21st brings a new start to projects aimed at further education. March: The new moon in pioneering Aries on the 22nd, challenges you to take another look at your professional life. Are you really getting what you want and do you feel appreciated? Communicative Mercury, retrograde after the 12th, brings innovative and inspiring ideas to the surface.

Planetary forces combine all month to improve your finances and your career standing. Mars continues to work hard in Virgo and your well thought out strategies should pay off this month. The full moon in your sign on the 7th could bring some major surprises, be ready for action. March: A spectacular alignment of Venus and Jupiter on the 14th could illuminate some interesting developments in your professional life. With transformational Pluto and Mars also joining in, this is a great time to strengthen your reputation and make important and advantageous connections.

Your work place could be a source of intense scrutiny this month. Try to stay under the radar and keep your focus. Communicative Mercury moves into Pisces on the 14th. This could bring some misunderstandings or confusion, but staying connected to your intuition brings results. March: Mars is retrograde in your sign all month supplying you with added energy to re-focus and re-establish your personal goals. This is a fantastic time to identify your strengths and to take positive action to rectify situations that may have previously felt frustrating or repressive.

The Sun and communicative Mercury are travelling through a pivotal spot in your chart. Creative business projects can be furthered and because you will do well in negotiation, you should aim high and get the best deal. Neptune now urges you to listen to your inner voice. March: This could turn out to an amazingly lucky month for Librans. Bountiful Venus and expansive Jupiter are cuddling up in the financial area of your chart. Optimism and enthusiasm should be at their peak and any innovative projects started now could turn out to be very successful.

Mighty and benevolent Jupiter is forging ahead through your opposite sign of Taurus. Relationships come to the forefront and you may need to check that your needs are being met. You need emotional balance and an inner feeling of peace and you’ll be determined to get it. March: Expansive Jupiter and bountiful Venus are in your opposite sign of Taurus, bringing up your innermost feelings and desires. Refocusing and review become necessary now. It's time to re-examine how you have been handling your assertiveness in relationships and with family.

Mystery planet Neptune touches the deepest sector of your chart this month. Although you might feel confused to start with, the more you touch base with your inner wisdom you’ll see that things can only get better. The new moon on the 21st brings surprises on the home front, stay flexible and enjoy. March: Sagittarians feel a wave of new energy at the start of this month. Three planets activate the most creative and fun loving part of your chart. Your popularity is on an upward trend and others will find you particularly attractive and friendly. Spread the joy and have a ball!

Finding new ways of communicating are your main focus this month. Neptune and Venus, both in sensitive and compassionate Pisces, bring an entirely new slant to the way that you get things done. Mars is busy working at broadening your horizons, exciting times ahead if you go with the flow. March: Three planets in the domestic sector of your chart herald a busy start to the month. Many issues concerning you home and family could come to a head now. Stern Saturn, your ruling planet, is in Libra and helps you to find a more balanced way of coping with any difficulties.

Neptune leaves your sign on the 3rd after a long 14 year stay. Clarity and insight return in abundance as you now focus on your new goals. Intuitive Neptune has taught you many things and with new values and a renewed sense of self you are ready to carve out a brilliant plan of action. March: All things around communication and learning are illuminated during March. Your ruler, the maverick planet Uranus, demands innovative and creative thinking on all levels. You’ll enjoy the challenge of tackling a variety of new subjects and making brilliant new connections.

Neptune has come home and will be in your sign for the next 14 years. Neptune often dissolves all that it touches and this is the time to dispose of things in your life that you no longer appreciate or value. Mercury also enters Pisces on the 14th and you’ll find that you want more love and beauty than ever before. March: Expansive Jupiter and the love planet Venus light up a pivotal sector of your chart. During this cycle there should be a powerful mental connection with your creative self-expression. You should be very proud of your ideas and have no trouble expressing them smoothly.


Would you like to know how you can get in touch with your personal power and be the very best version of yourself in 2012? I can help you to discover your purpose, achieve personal transformation and work towards achieving your dreams.

Christine Chalklin
Inspirational Astrologer and Life Coach,

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